
Monday 2 June 2014

Rosette Interview by Musume

Anyone who has been following me on Flickr etc for a little while would know that Soom's Rosette lines are one of my favourites. I currently only have 2 Rosette dolls, but there was a stage that I had 10! I must say that waking up to see that Musume had interviewed the new Director of the line was a fantastic way to start the day!
Check out Musume's interview with the new Director of Rosette, Emma here. (and the rest of her blog while you're at it)

Here's a quickie instapic of my current girl, Minnie, a Summer Term Camellia. I also have her open eyed head in a drawer, but it's currently blank.

This also reminds me that I've had a Summer Term Marguerite up for sale for ages but I haven't been bumping the sales thread. I kind of think I want to have another go at keeping her, but to do that I think I might want to get her repainted. Her current face up is amazing, but not quite right for my collection. Thoughts?
Here she is (yet another instapic >_<)

Saturday 12 April 2014

Fairyland Event

It's that time of year again! Fairyland event time!
Ok, to be fair, it's been a long time since I have been excited for a Fairyland Event so I'm not sure the above exclamation points are really called for but meh.
I do like that Fairyland is consistent with their events. One always knows to expect them at least twice a year, and always the option of a gift item with money spent.
This time around we have:

PKF Faceplate
I find all Pukifees pretty darn freaky and this one is no exception. 
LTF Faceplate
It's just begging to have some puppet mouth lines drawn on it! I think I need it.
 MNF Faceplate
Great for the Chloe/Celine lovers out there. I guess.

 Moe Line One-Piece Torso
So cool!! It will not be a good seller, but I think it is rad. People who buy from FL buy from FL because of the superior posing, which this will cut down on. There is an option to add it to the girl that a peen bump though? There doesn't seem to be a proper 'girl' version that I have seen yet.

And can I just throw out there a wow? I might need to make some space in the ol' collection for a basic version of this beauty. 

 New Fullset MNF
Um, hello there. Are you perfect? I think maybe you might be. 

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Mini break!

I find myself with 5 days off from work in a row! After not having any considerable time off in the last 2 years due to being a "casual" worker (meaning no paid leave U_U) the roster gods have gotten together and decided I needed some me time. No visiting family, no travelling, just pure whatever-the-hell-I-want time. Naturally, I've written myself a list of all the things I need to do in my time off and of 24 things I've done...5 of them. Haha a girl can dream. But! Once I've finished this blog post, I can tick another thing off the list. That's right, number 1 on the list is "write blog post". These are the things I need to do to motivate myself these days orz.

So I introduce to you the second newest member of the crew: Akira!
She's adorable and fits the SQ Labs 52cm body so well you'd think it was made for her. I've taken some quick pics last month so here they are!

Poor Tsubaki not too happy about having to give up her body T_T

She will get a DDS body of her own eventually but for now all the girls are getting really good at sharing.

Friday 7 March 2014

I painted a thing

I did a face up! zomg, I hear you say! Not elsii, the face up snob! Yeah well I did it. It's not fabulous but I was having internet issues at the time and I was bored.
A beautiful head has been sitting in a drawer for a good six months on the promise of her own body and I finally decided to cast the body hogging Kujo head to the drawer and make with the MSC.

I've never found faceupping fun before. every other time I have done it was always as a temporary job just to see how the doll would look without blankface, but I gotta say, I actually enjoyed painting this beauty. And, eyebrows aside, I am rather happy with the result too. Score 1 for lack of internet.

And now I bombard you with pictures! No progress pics, sorry, I just assumed I would fail and wouldn't need any xD

Happy little head.
Never mind the brows, that's what wigs with bangs are for.

With her SD10 sister

My boyfriend could not believe they were the same sculpt.
I love that about this hobby.


What's up blog world? Much has happened since my last post in October. I am now officially Dollfie Dream mad and have 2 girls living with me, with a third on layaway. There's also Miku Hatsune on pre-order which will be due the end of this year aaaaaand I have managed to sneak a custom DDH-01 head into my list of incomings, too. Phew!

I am still working on selling a bunch of my resin girls to help fund the new vinyl habit but it's slower going than I thought because I seem to have lost some of my enthusiasm for photography in the last year and no sales pics = no sales. 

Also, you might see some older things being posted here as I find myself with more time on my hands. To those of you who follow me on Flickr and Instagram and have already seen some of it, I apologise for that but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do :)

Tuesday 29 October 2013

BJD Purge

Elsii's gone crazy!

I've had a few messages from you lovely people out there asking me if everything is ok and why am I selling all my dolls. Well, my darlings, I am ok and I'm not selling all of them! I am, however, trying to halve my collection with a view to halve it again in the future. I have too many. Just too many.
If I bought a dress I liked, I had to buy a new doll to fill it. This is insane behaviour. There are too may cute dresses in the world!

Want a list of who is staying? Here ya go:
Volks SD16 Kira
Volks SD10 F-01
Volks SD13 Nana (yes, I am aware this is the same sculpt as above)
Volks Yo-SD Kira
Leekeworld Soda hybrid

Almost no one is safe >.> I'm not counting Alice here you'll notice cos she is a fixture. She has a shelf in the office with her teapot, knife and the art book so she doesn't count. Right? Also I'm not including the DDs in this list because we're a happy family right now.

Wait, who's going? Well, the current plan is:
Rosette Mia sold on layaway
Rosette Sakura sold
Rosette Delilah spoken for
Rosette Marguerite ST
Rosette Armeria sold
Rosette Fir x2 (1 ST, 1 reg) sold
Rosette Vela sold
Leekeworld Mint
Leekeworld Mingky
Yo-SD Kanon
Super Gem Beryl sold
Volks Kujo sold on layaway
Volks Victorique traded
Fairyland Minifee Marica

And I am on the fence about:
Volks Yo-SD Nono
Leekeworld Irene hybrid
Leekeworld Mong hybrid
Soom Teenie Gem Appini hybrid
Resinsoul Ju hybrid
Super Gem Vesuvia
KnK Amparita02
SQ Lab Tsubaki
Rosette Camellia x2 (1 reg head only, 1 ST full doll)

Many of these are not listed on DoA yet cos I am slow but I'll get there in the coming days/weeks/months.

I will update here as things progress.

Friday 11 October 2013

Miku Fever

I ordered a Dollfie Dream. A Dollfie Dream I will no doubt have to wait 18 months for if the last pre-orders are anything to go by. But she's cute and she'll be even cuter irl cos you know they always are so let the waiting begin!

Miku Hatsune
There's been a lot of huffing over her smile not being big enough but you know what? I think it's perfect. So few of my dolls have anything resembling a smile so if she was all smiley then it would be weird. And if she had a giant smile they'd have to close her eyes to make it look natural and we all know how the doll word feels about closed eye dolls. They just don't sell. Or they would have to give her the open mouthed PongPong smile which they've tried already on another DD and guess which DD wasn't popular. Thaaaat's right. Smiley McSmilepants. Uh, I don't actually know her name... oh wait, google can help! Amami Haruka, who I personally think could be super cute with a repainting and a new wig. Hmm, now I kinda want one but I think I'm getting off track here.

Best thing about pre-orders? They're not lotteries! Everyone who wants a Miku can have a Miku! Yaaaay! And that is why it takes so long. I can't even imagine the number of pre-orders that this girl will have so I will just try to forget about her and pop my pennies aside for when the bill comes in.